Continuation of the DN 31 translation and grammatical

11. "Cha kho 'me gahapati-putta aadiinavaajuuta-ppamaada-.t.thaanaanuyoge: jaya.m vera.m pasavati, jino vittam anusocati,sandi.t.thikaa dhana~njaani, sabhaa-gatassa, vacana.m na ruuhati,mittaamaccaana.m paribhuuto hoti, aavaaha-vivaahakaana.m apatthito hoti,akkha-dhutto purisa-puggalo naala.m daara-bhara.naayaati. Ime kho gahapati-putta cha aadiinavaajuuta-ppamaada-.t.thaanaanuyoge.
cha - num
adj, m/nom/pl - six
kho - ind emph enc - indeed
ime ('me: sandhi elis) - dem
pro, m/nom/pl - these
gahapati-putta - gen TP cpd *, m-a/voc/sg- O young householder
aadiinavaa - m-a/nom/pl - dangers
juuta-ppamaada-.t.thaanaanuyoge - gen TP cpd *, m-a/loc/sg - in indulgencein a state of negligence from gambling

jaya.m - ji I, prp, n/nom/sg - winning
vera.m - n-a/nom/sg - hatred
pasavati - pa+su I, pres act, 3rd/sg - it brings forth
jino - m-a/nom/sg – loser, conquered [Shouldthis be jiinoor perhaps jito? Jino means ‘victorious, conquering' (pp med of jayati) but jiino means ‘diminished, having lost' (pp of jiiyati).All other reviewed translations take it to mean the ‘loser.' In commentary, jino is equated with jito, which means conquered. InSingalese n and t are similar in appearance, so there is a possibility of textualcorruption.]
vitta.m (vittam: sandhi assim) - n-a/acc/sg- wealth, property
anusocati - pa+su I, pres act, 3rd/sg - he mourns
sandi.t.thikaa - adj, f-aa/nom/sg - visible here and now
dhana~njaani - gen TP cpd *, f-i/nom/sg - loss of wealth
sabhaa-gatassa - acc TP cpd, m-a/gen/sg - when going to an assembly [This is an example of the
genitive absolute.]
sabhaa - f-aa/stem - assembly
gatassa - gam I, pp, m/gen/sg - of the going
vacana.m - n-a/nom/sg - word
na - ind neg advs - not
ruuhati - ruh I, pres act, 3rd/sg - grows, ascends
mittaamaccaana.m - DV cpd, m-a/gen/pl - of friends and fellow workers
mitta - m-a/stem - friend
amaccaana.m - m-a/gen/pl - of fellow workers
paribhuuto - pari+bhuu, pp, m/nom/sg - treated with contempt
hoti - huu
I, pres act, 3rd/sg - he is
aavaaha-vivaahakaana.m - DV cpd, m-a/dat/pl - for betrothals andmarriages
aavaaha - m-a/stem - wedding
vivaahakaana.m - m-a/dat/pl - for marriages
apatthito - a+pa+atth VII, pp, m/nom/sg - not wished for
hoti - huu
I, pres act, 3rd/sg - he is
akkha-dhutto - gen TP cpd, m-a/nom/sg - gambler
akkha - m-a/stem - dice
dhutto - m-a/nom/sg - scoundrel
purisa-puggalo - KD cpd, m-a/nom/sg - person
purisa - m-a/stem - man
puggalo - m-a/nom/sg - person
[na ala.m (naala.m: sandhi coal)]
na - ind neg advs - not
ala.m - adv - enough
[daara-bhara.naaya iti(daara-bhara.naayaati: sandhi coal)]
daara-bhara.naaya - acc TP cpd, n-a/dat/sg - for supporting a wife
daara -
m-a/stem - wife
bhara.naaya - n-a/dat/sg - for supporting
iti - adv
- thus

ime - dem
pro, m/nom/pl - these
kho - ind emph enc - indeed
gahapati-putta - gen TP cpd *, m-a/voc/sg- O young householder
cha - num
adj, m/nom/pl - six
aadiinavaa - m-a/nom/pl - dangers
juuta-ppamaada-.t.thaanaanuyoge - gen TP cpd *, m-a/loc/sg - in indulgencein a state of negligence from gambling
11. "These are the six dangers inherent in compulsive gambling:winning breeds resentment; the loser mourns lost property; savings are lost;one's word carries no weight in a public forum; friends and colleagues displaytheir contempt; and one is not sought after for marriage, since a gamblercannot adequately support a family.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]