Continuation of the DN 31 translation and grammatical
10. "Cha kho 'me gahapati-putta aadiinavaa 'Kuva.m nacca.m, kuva.m giita.m, kuva.mvaadita.m, kuva.m akkhaana.m, kuva.m paa.nissara.m, kva kumbhathunan ti?' Ime kho gahapati-putta cha
cha - num
adj, m/nom/pl - six
kho - ind emph enc - indeed
ime ('me: sandhi elis) - dem
pro, m/nom/pl - these
gahapati-putta - gen TP cpd *, m-a/voc/sg- O young householder
aadiinavaa - m-a/nom/pl - dangers - loc TP cpd *, n-a/loc/sg - in frequenting fairs and festivals
kuva.m - ind inter
- where?
nacca.m - n-a/nom/sg - dancing
kuva.m - ind inter
- where?
giita.m - n-a/nom/sg - singing
kuva.m - ind inter
- where?
vaadita.m - n-a/nom/sg - music
kuva.m - ind inter
- where?
akkhaana.m - n-a/nom/sg - recitation
kuva.m - ind inter
- where?
paa.nissara.m - gen TP cpd, n-a/nom/sg - hand-clapping - m-i/stem - hand
sara.m (ssara.m: sandhi dup) - m-a/nom/sg - sound [BothRhys Davids' PED and Buddhadatta's Concise PED show that sara in sense of sound ismasculine, yet the usage here with ending -a.m
in nominative case indicates neuter.]
kva - ind inter-where?
kumbhathuuna.m (kumbhathuunan: sandhi assim) - n-a/nom/sg - a kind of drum
ti - ind - (end-quote)
ime - dem
pro, m/nom/pl - these
kho - ind emph enc - indeed
gahapati-putta - gen TP cpd *, m-a/voc/sg- O young householder
cha - num
adj, m/nom/pl - six
aadiinavaa - m-a/nom/pl - dangers - loc TP cpd *, n-a/loc/sg - in frequenting fairs and festivals
10. "These are the six dangers inherent in habitual partying: Youconstantly seek, 'Where's the dancing? Where's the singing? Where's the music?Where are the stories? Where's the applause? Where's the drumming?'
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]