Dear Branko and friends,

while we are on this topic of locative absolutes, I like to raise that
in "Durakkhaate, bhikkhave, dhammavinaye daayakena mattaa jaanitabbaa,
no pa.tiggaahakena.", "durakkhaate dhammavinaye" is a locative
absolute clause.

In the classroom, the student typically would translate the clause as
"when the dhammavinaya is poorly preached", in order to demonstrate
his mastery of the grammar.

I hope this clarifies any doubt on locative absolutes.

Yong Peng.

--- In, Ong Yong Peng wrote:

With the dhammavinaya poorly preached, (it is taught) the "measure of
gift" should be known by the giver, not the recipient.

> 7. "Durakkhaate, bhikkhave, dhammavinaye daayakena mattaa
jaanitabbaa, no pa.tiggaahakena.
> badly preached / monks / Teaching and Discipline / by giver /
moderation / should be known / not / recipient
> "(With) the badly preached Teaching and Discipline, O monks, by the
giver moderation should be known, not the recipient.