Dear Branko,

I agree, it does seem a little obscure. However, here I would
translate 'matta' as 'measure' rather than 'moderation' and it becomes
a little clearer. Thus:

314. Bhikkhus, with a badly expounded Dhamma and discipline, the
measure of a gift should be known by the giver, not by the recipient.
For what reason? Because of the badly expounded nature of this Dhamma.
315. Bhikkhus, with a well expounded Dhamma and discipline, the
measure of a gift should be known by the recipient, not by the giver.
For what reason? Because of the well-expounded nature of this Dhamma.

Here is the full Pali too (since you left some out):
314. Durakkhaate, bhikkhave, dhammavinaye daayakena mattaa
jaanitabbaa, no pa.tiggaahakena. Ta.m kissa hetu? Durakkhaatattaa,
bhikkhave, dhammassaa ti.
315. Svaakkhaate, bhikkhave, dhammavinaye pa.tiggaahakena mattaa
jaanitabbaa, no daayakena. Ta.m kissa hetu? Svaakkhaatattaa,
bhikkhave, dhammassaa ti.

With metta,

--- In, Branislav Kovacevic <ja_sam_branko@...>
> Dear All,
> I undertake to translate some parts from Anguttara Nikaya, Book of
Ones, as a Pali excercise. Therefore came to suttas 314-315, but
somehow couldn't grasp the meaning even after consulting translation
given by Mr Ong Yong Peng on this list, message #10022:
> 7. "Durakkhaate, bhikkhave, dhammavinaye daayakena mattaa
> jaanitabbaa, no pa.tiggaahakena.
> badly preached / monks / Teaching and Discipline / by giver /
> moderation / should be known / not / recipient
> "(With) the badly preached Teaching and Discipline, O monks, by the
> giver moderation should be known, not the recipient.
> 8. "Svaakkhaate, bhikkhave, dhammavinaye pa.tiggaahakena mattaa
> jaanitabbaa, no daayakena.
> well preached / monks / Teaching and Discipline / by recipient /
> moderation / should be known / not / giver
> "(With) the well preached Teaching and Discipline, O monks, by the
> recipient moderation should be known, not the giver.
> What is the message of this? That the one who wrongly teaches
Dhamma-Vinaya should realize that by himself? I'm rather confused.
> Sorry if this is a trivial question, but I believe everybody was
once at this stage :)
> Metta,
> Branko
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