From: Piya Tan
Message: 12082
Date: 2008-02-02
On Feb 2, 2008 10:13 PM, Gunnar Gällmo <gunnargallmo@...> wrote:
> --- George Bedell <gdbedell@... <>> skrev:
> > Gunnar,
> >
> > In your Paliforum post of 1/27, you mentioned 'the
> > Pali Bible'. After some investigation online, I
> > found reference to a New Testament in Burmese script
> > attributed to Tolfrey and de Thomas and published in
> > Colombo in 1835. Is this the one you were referring
> > to? Whether it is or not, do you have any idea how
> > to obtain a copy? I would appreciate any
> > information.
> Actually, I don't know any details; I have heard
> several times that either the Bible, or perhaps only
> the New Testament, have been translated into Pali to
> convert bhikkhus. I have also heard that this
> translation have given some knowledgeable bhikkhus a
> great joy, but of a quite different kind than the one
> intended.
> I have heard similar stories about other Bible
> translations (such a choosing the wrong synonym for
> "love"...)
> Some Christians tend to boast about how many languages
> the Bible has been translated into. I always wished to
> know how many of these translations are of an
> acceptable quality - but I suppose there's no-one who
> could check that.
> Gunnar
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