Hello all,
I am having trouble with Warder's English to Pali exercise in chapter
9. The sentence is: "Taking a garland they went to the hall."
I rendered it thus: "maalaa harantaa saala.m apakammimsu."
My answer key says this: "maala.m aadaaya yena saalaa ten'

I am soooo confused.
1. Doesn't this say, "having taken" (aadaaya) rather than "taking"? (I
used harati but made it a present participle, matching it to maalaa in
gender, number, and case. Isn't that what I was supposed to do?)
2. Why is "maala.m" in second case instead of first?
3. What's up with the "yena" and "tena"? These haven't even been
introduced in the book yet as a pair!
4. Why is "saalaa" in first case? Shouldn't it be in second case
because it is the recipient of the action?

Please pardon my dumb-osity. I thought having a year of Sanskrit would
make learning Pali easy, but I stink as much at Pali as I do at
Sanskrit. Hmmph. Anyway, any help would be very appreciated.
