From: Jon Fernquest
Message: 12036
Date: 2008-01-27
> > George D Bell wrote: "I remain skeptical that PaliThat's a good point, but I think you have to take Pali and Sanskrit
> > is any different
> > from Latin, Sanskrit or Classical Chinese in matters
> > of (language)
> > life or death."
> One difference, perhaps not a matter of life or death,
> is the fact that Pali literature is much more
> specialized, so much that I am not quite sure if Pali
> can really be regarded as a complete language. I think
> it is difficult to find a Pali text not connected in
> one way or another to Theravada Buddhism (even if
> only, as in the case of the Pali Bible, to convert
> Theravadins to another doctrine).
> Latin has been used for all themes imaginable,
> religious and secular alike; and I think it is the
> same with Sanskrit and Classical Chinese. I think all
> three, plus Classical Greek, have been used for
> theatre (which Theravada Bhikkhus are not supposed to
> deal with); I have never heard about a Pali
> playwright.
--- In, Gunnar Gällmo <gunnargallmo@...> wrote:
> --- Jon Fernquest <bayinnaung@...> skrev:
> > George D Bell wrote: "I remain skeptical that Pali
> > is any different
> > from Latin, Sanskrit or Classical Chinese in matters
> > of (language)
> > life or death."
> One difference, perhaps not a matter of life or death,
> is the fact that Pali literature is much more
> specialized, so much that I am not quite sure if Pali
> can really be regarded as a complete language. I think
> it is difficult to find a Pali text not connected in
> one way or another to Theravada Buddhism (even if
> only, as in the case of the Pali Bible, to convert
> Theravadins to another doctrine).
> Latin has been used for all themes imaginable,
> religious and secular alike; and I think it is the
> same with Sanskrit and Classical Chinese. I think all
> three, plus Classical Greek, have been used for
> theatre (which Theravada Bhikkhus are not supposed to
> deal with); I have never heard about a Pali
> playwright.
> Gunnar
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