From: Dmytro O. Ivakhnenko
Message: 12033
Date: 2008-01-27
> Dear Dhamma friends,
> Has anybody read the book on "Pudgalavaada"? I have got a name of a modern exposition of this Buddhist school entiled "Pudgalavada Buddhism: The Reality of the Indeterminate Self" (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1999) by C.D. C. Leonard Priestly. But I haven't found this book in Thailand. I have searched in the Central Library, Library of Liberal Arts of Chulalongkorn University, Siam Society, and of couse Mahachula Buddhist Universtiy as well.
> Can anybody suggests me where I can get a copy of this book? Is it available in India, Sri Lanka or Thailand?
> With metta,
> Dipankaro
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