--- Ong Yong Peng <pali.smith@...> skrev:

> As we step into the new year, I wish to express my
> gratitude to
> everyone for your participation and contribution in
> 2007.

Same to you.

And as one of the topics of this groups is "Samatha
(Tranquillity) and Vipassana (Insight) meditation" -
including the brahmaviharas - I must ask you all to
include in your mettaa- and karu.naabhaavanaa a fellow
writer and acquaintance of mine, not a Buddhist (and
for heaven's sake, don't try to convert her!) but
actually motivated by love and compassion, a person
I've found to be not only extraordinarily honest and
courageous, but also deeply kind-hearted; nevertheless
a person whom hundreds of thousands want to see
hanged, for "apostacy" from Islam and for having
criticized religions in general and Islam in
particular; a person just now in house arrest, if not
de jure at least de facto, somewhere in the Delhi area
- not being accused for any crime, but for being the
victim of one - and who had to "celebrate" new year
quite alone:

Taslima Nasrin.

Don't let the world forget her.



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