From: ruwanr2003
Message: 11900
Date: 2007-12-29
>no surprise we also have some problems with understanding this
> Dear Lennart,
> Well, if Ven. Ananda was hesitant how to title this discourse, than
>thinking, we always try to make relationships between things in the
> My interpretation is that due to the nature of our conceptual
>situation is not as bad as one might think. Namely, late Bhikkhu
> As for Tipitaka translation into Serbian (or Serbo-Croatian), the
> Therefore, I learn on my own, starting with quite short suttasfrom Anguttara Nikaya...
>myself before, I saw this as a good opportunity.
> I apologize for this longish message, but as I haven't introduced
>Hi Branko,
> Metta,
> Branko
> Lennart Lopin <lenni_lop@...> wrote:
> This is a very good question. If you have a look at the end of the
> Ven. Ananda is even asking the Buddha for a good name to bestow onthis
> Dhamma discourse...marvelous,
> At these words the Venerable Ánanda said to the Lord : "It is
> Lord, it is wonderful. What is the name of this exposition ofDhamma?"
>or as the
> *"Ánanda, you may remember this exposition of Dhamma as the Net of
> Advantage, the Net of Dhamma, the Supreme Net, the Net of Views,
> Incomparable Victory in Battle."*
>does say
> Karl Eugen Neumann translated it as "The priests' net". While it
> Brahma-Jala and not Brahmanajala i still find this to come veryclose to the
> essence of the Sutta because it describes all kinds of views(which are very
> often compared to a net in other Suttas) which philosopers/priestshold
> instead of seeing the origin of those views...feeling.that
> *
> ** This the Tathágata knows, and more, but he is not attached to
> knowledge. And being thus unattached he has experienced forhimself perfect
> peace, and having truly understood the arising and passing away offeelings,
> their attraction and peril and the deliverance from them, theTathágata is
> liberated without remainder."*many parts
> I wish you much success with your translation...i guess there are
> of the Tipitaka yet untranslated into Serbian, right?usual,
> mettaya,
> Lennart
> On Nov 28, 2007 3:26 AM, Branislav Kovacevic <ja_sam_branko@...>
> wrote:
> > Greetings!
> >
> > With my quite limited knowledge of pali I endeavored to translate
> > Brahmajala sutta into Serbian, for exercise and fun. But, as
> > challenge came at the very beginning :)means in
> >
> > The question is about the title of this sutta. What does Brahma
> > this context? I see the title has been translated differentlyinto English,
> > as "Discourse on the Net of Perfect Wisdom", "The Supreme Net"or simply
> > left as "Brahma's Net"Mobile. Try
> >
> > Many thanks for your help.
> >
> > Branko
> >
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