73. There is no difference in the personal endings of this or the
other forthcoming conjugations from the First Conjugation. The
difference lies in the bases formed through the different
conjugational signs.
The conjugational sign of this Rudhaadhi-group is, .m - a. .m is
inserted after the first syllable of the root: e.g., root chidA (to
cut) + .m - a = chinda + a; when the last vowel is dropped it becomes
One may conjugate these bases just like the verbs in the First
chindati (he cuts)
chindanti (they cut)
and so on for every mode.
Some other bases of this conjugation are:
rudhA (to obstruct) + .m - a = rundha
badhA (to bind or confine) + .m - a = bandha
mucA (to release) + .m - a = mu~nca
bhida (to break) + .m - a = bhinda
vidA (to suffer) + .m - a = vinda
sicA (to pour down or sprinkle) + .m - a = si~nca
yujA (to yoke or join) + .m - a = yu~nja
Exercise 13
Translate into English
1. "Ayam A`ngulimaalassa maataa 'A`ngulimaala.m aanessaamii'ti
gacchati; sace samaagamissati A`ngulimaalo a`ngulisahassa.m
puuressaami ti maatara.m maaressati. Sacaaha.m na gamissaami,
mahaajaaniko abhavissa."
10. "Aya~n hi diipobhaasa.m vaa aggi-obhaasa.m vaa adisvaa
ma.niaalokena'eva bhu~njati ca nipajjati ca nisiidati ca; devo pan
diipaaloke nisinno bhavissatii ti." [Dh.A.iv.213]
New Words.
akhepetvaa (abs) having not wasted.
adhigacchissa (v) [he] would have attained.
anubandhati (v) chases.
anuya~njati (v) gives oneself up, practises.
abhavissa (v) [he] would have been.
arahatta (n) the highest stage of the Path.
uppajjissa (v) [he] would have born.
otaara (m) chance, fault.
obhaasa (m) lustre, light.
ko.t.thaka (m) an enclosure, a closet.
dhammaraaja (m) king of righteousness.
pabbajissa (v) if [he] had become a monk.
payojayissaa (v) if [he] had engaged in or employed.
paatukaama (adj) wishing to drink.
paapu.nissa (v) [he] would have attained.
puureti (v) fills.
mahaajaanika (adj) thoroughly deprived of, undergone a great loss.
meraya (n) liquor [fermented].
rundhitvaa (abs) having trapped.
le.nadvaara (n) entrance of the cave.
voropessatha (v) if [he] had taken away.
saamaagamissati (v) will encounter.
suraa (f) liquor [distilled].