Hi Gunnar,

--- Lennart Lopin <lenni_lop@... de> skrev:

> In one of your recent threads (I did not find
> anything related here). Does anyone of you have more
> info about when and how this great edition is going
> to be released to the general public. They have an
> online store on their website but that does not
> really work.
> I just found them by accident while looking for
> pictures of Kelaniya on www.flickr.com
> It seems like the Thai royal family is on a
> pilgrimage with this new Pali Edition presenting it
> to certain institutions first.

That's the problem. They have presented the edition
twice at the Royal Library in Stockholm, which didn't
get a copy though; instead they have donated one copy
to the university library of Upsala, and perhaps one
to that of Lund - on paper only, and I live about
sixty kilometres from the closest, so I use the VRI
edition on-online; less well proof-read, perhaps, but
at least available.

I have told the local representatives of the Thai
project that I think bowing down to the book covers
might perhaps be less useful than reading the texts
and trying to understand them

...that of course would be very unfortunate. The old Siam Edition - on
display in so many Thai temples - to have them in a Roman alphabet and be
able to outfit each Theravada temple around the globe ... would be a great
benefit indeed to Dhamma studies (as they determine as one of their goals).

Anyway, i sent them an email and maybe i get some info back. It would really
add to the resources of our local Buddhist temple if we'd had such an
edition for everyone to look into (and bow in front of, if good karma needs

best wishes,

PS: but why present it in Sweden first??? Why not Burma, Sri Lanka or
Singapor? :-)

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