--- Lennart Lopin <lenni_lop@...> skrev:

> In one of your recent threads (I did not find
> anything related here). Does anyone of you have more
> info about when and how this great edition is going
> to be released to the general public. They have an
> online store on their website but that does not
> really work.
> I just found them by accident while looking for
> pictures of Kelaniya on www.flickr.com
> It seems like the Thai royal family is on a
> pilgrimage with this new Pali Edition presenting it
> to certain institutions first.

That's the problem. They have presented the edition
twice at the Royal Library in Stockholm, which didn't
get a copy though; instead they have donated one copy
to the university library of Upsala, and perhaps one
to that of Lund - on paper only, and I live about
sixty kilometres from the closest, so I use the VRI
edition on-online; less well proof-read, perhaps, but
at least available.

I have told the local representatives of the Thai
project that I think bowing down to the book covers
might perhaps be less useful than reading the texts
and trying to understand them, but I have met no
understanding for that point of view.

It seems their attitude is more ceremonial than
practical. A lot of love's labour lost, I think.



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