ra~n~naa + hato = raajahato (killed by the king)
vi~n~nuuhi + garahito = vi~n~nuugarahito (despised by the wise)
(III) Catutthii-Tappurisa
paasaadaaya + dabba.m = paasaadadabba.m (material for the mansion)
ra~n~no + araha.m = raajaaraha.m (worthy of a king)
buddhassa + deyya.m = buddhadeyya.m (that should be given to the Buddha)
yaaguyaa + ta.n.dulaa = yaaguta.n.dulaa (rice for gruel)
50. The compounds formed with an infinitive and kaama (desirous) or
kaamataa (desire) are considered to be in the Dative-Tappurisa.
gantu.m + kaamo = gantukaamo (desirous to go)
sotu.m + kaamataa = sotukaamataa (desire to hear)
vattu.m + kaamo = vattukamo (desirous to say)
daatu.m + kaamataa = daatukaamataa (desire to give)
(IV) Pa~ncamii-Tappurisa
rukkhaa + patito = rukkhapatito (fallen from the tree)
bandhanaa + mutto = bandhanamutto (released from the bond or confinement)
raajamhaa + bhiito = raajabhiito (afraid of the king)
duccaritato + virati = duccaritavirati (abstinence from vice or bad
(V) Cha.t.thii-Tappurisa
jinassa + vacana.m = jinavacana.m (word of the Buddha)
ra~n~no + putto = raajaputto (king's son)
dha~n~naana.m + raasi = dha~n~naraasi (a heap of corn)
pupphaana.m + gandho = pupphagandho (smell of flowers)
(VI) Sattamii-Tappurisa
gaame + vaasii = gaamavaasii (villager)
dhamme + rato = dhammarato (delighting in the doctrine)
vane + pupphaani = vanapupphaani (flowers in the forest or wild-flowers)
kuupe + ma.n.duuko = kuupama.n.duuko (frog in the well)
51. It is stated in §41 that the case-endings of the first members of
some compounds are not dropped. In that case the compound is called
Aluttasamaasa. Examples for this are mostly found in Tappurisa.
pabha.m + karo = pabha.nkaro (generator of the light; the sun)
ante + vaasiko = antevaasiko (a resident pupil)
pa`nke + ruha.m = pa`nkeruha.m (grown in (out of) the mud, i.e. a lotus)
manasi + kaaro = manasikaaro (keeping in the mind; attention)
parassapada.m (word for another = Reflective Voice)
pubbenivaaso (former lives; life in a former existence)
52. These is a variety of the Tappurisa in which the last member is a
verbal derivative which cannot be used independently. It is named
kumbha.m karotii ti = kumbhakaaro (a potter)
dhamma.m caratii ti = dhammacaarii (observer of the Dhamma)
urena gacchatii ti = urago (a serpent)
attamhaa jaato = attajo (son)
pabbate ti.t.thatii ti = pabbata.t.tho (one who stands on a rock)
-kaaro, -go, -jo and -.tho in these examples are not used
independently. They stand in these forms only in compounds.
(4) Dvanda-Samaasa
Copulative or Aggregative Compounds
53. Two or more nouns joined by 'ca' (=and) may be combined together
eliminating the intermediate conjunctions. The compound thus formed is
called Dvanda.
The members of this compound must be co-ordinate in their uncompounded
There are two kinds of Dvanda compounds:-
(I) Asamaahaara and (II) Samaahaara.
(I) The first one stands in the plural, and takes the gender and
declension of its last member.
(II) The second takes the form of a neuter singular and becomes a
collective, whatever be the number of its members. This occurs with
the names of birds, parts of the body, trees, herbs, arts, musical
instruments, etc.
(I) Asamaahaara-Dvanda
sama.naa ca braahma.naa ca = sama.nabrahma.naa (monks and brahmins)
cando ca suriyo ca = candasuriyaa (the moon and the sun)
devaa ca manussaa ca = devamanussaa (gods and men)
maataa ca pitaa ca = maataapitaro (parents)
suraa ca asuraa ca naraa ca naagaa ca yakkhaa ca =
suraasura-nara-naaga-yakkhaa (gods, Asuras, human beings, Naagas and
(II) Samaahaara-Dvanda
All members of the Dvanda compounds being co-ordinative, there arises
the question of the order of their position. The following rules are
given as to the order:-
(a) Shorter words are placed before longer ones.
(b) Words in i or u are placed first.
giita~n ca vaadita~n ca = giitavaadita.m (singing and music)
cakkhu ca sota~n ca = cakkhusota.m (eye and ear)
jaraa ca mara.na~n ca = jaraamara.na.m (decay and death)
hatthino ca assaa ca rathaa ca pattikaa ca =
hatth'assa-ratha-pattika.m (elephants, horses, chariots and infantry)
hatthii ca gaavo ca assaa ca va.lavaa ca = hatthi-gavaassa-va.lava.m
(elephants, cattle, horses and mares)