dear noah,

I thought "padhaana" (sanskrit -- "pradhaana"), is an adjective meaning main
/ chief.
does it have a different meaning in pali?

On 9/23/07, Noah Yuttadhammo <yuttadhammo@...> wrote:
> Dear Nina,
> Here's an explanation:
> 1. visesanapubbapada = visesana (adj.) first, padhaana (noun) second
> mahanto puriso = mahaapuriso - a great man
> 2. visesanuttarapada = padhaana first, visesana (adj.) second
> satto viseso = sattaviseso - a special being
> 3. visesanobhayapada = both visesana, require another pada to be the
> padhaana.
> khan~njo ca kujjo ca = kha~njakujjo (puriso) - a lame and humpbacked
> (man - the padhaana)
> 4. visesanopamapada = one or the other is a visesana, but visesana only
> in the sense of a comparision, joined using "iva" or "viya"
> kaako iva suuro = kaakasuuro (upamaapubbapada - upamaa is the first
> pada) - one who is bold like a crow
> naro siiho iva = narasiiho (upamaanuttarapada - upama is the second
> pada) - a man who is like a lion
> 5. sambhaavanapubbapada = the first is a visesana, vis. the matter being
> declared (pa.ti~n~naa), perceived (sa~n~naa), esteemed (maano), etc.,
> joined using "iti"
> (aha.m) iti pa.ti~n~naa = sama.napa.ti~n~naa - a declaration of
> being a samana
> 6. avadhaara.napubbapada = the first is a visesana, used to specify the
> identity of the second pada
> buddho eva ratana.m = buddharatana.m - a jewel that is the Lord Buddha
> The other important distinction with KD samaasa is that at least one
> pada is a visesana (as opposed to dvandva where all are padhaana).
> Please let me know if there are any particular difficulties with my
> classification. (Maybe I could give you the Thai?)
> Best wishes,
> Yuttadhammo (Phra Noah)
> Nina van Gorkom wrote:
> > Venerable Bhikkhu Yuttadhammo,
> > thank you very much for the detailed classification of kammadhaaraya.
> > I have to study it, it is not easy.
> > With respect,
> > Nina.
> > Op 23-sep-2007, om 4:41 heeft Noah Yuttadhammo het volgende geschreven:
> >
> >

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