Beginning today, I am going to start sending regular instalments of
the DN 31 translation and grammatical analysis that I co-produced 2
years ago. Included below are the abbreviations that we chose to use,
which those of you interested in following along might find useful to
save for reference.

Abbreviation Key
1st - 1st person
2nd - 2nd person
3rd - 3rd person
I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII - verb class
abl - ablative
acc - accusative
act - active
adj - adjective
adv - adverb
advs - adversative
aor - aorist
assim - assimilation
AV - Avyayiibhaava (compound)
BB - Bahubbiihi (compound)
caus - causative
coal - coalescence
conj - conjunctive
correl - correlative
cpd - compound
dat - dative
dem - demonstrative
disj - disjunctive
DG - Diigu (compound)
dup - duplication
DV - Dvanda (compound)
elis - elision
emph - emphatic
enc - enclitic
f - feminine
fut - future
fpp - future passive participle
gen - genitive
ger - gerund
hist - historical
imps - impersonal
impv - imperative
ind - indeclinable
indic - indicative
inf - infinitive
ins - instrumental
inser - insertion
inter - interrogative
KD - Kammadhaaraya (compound)
loc - locative
m - masculine
mid - middle
n - neuter
neg - negative
nom - nominative
num - numerical
opt - optative
part - participle
pass - passive
perf - perfect
pers - personal
pl - plural
pp - past participle
pref â€" prefix
pres - present
pro - pronoun
pronom - pronominal
rel - relative
sg - singular
TP - Tappurisa (compound)
voc - vocative
-a, -aa, -i, etc.(following gender) - indicates stem form of noun
* - indicates compound previously analyzed in detail
