Greetings, I am new to this e-group. I am researching the concept
of "sammaditthi" which I understand often to be translated into "Right
Understanding" or "Right View." From the Buddha's teachings, Right
View is often associated with the Four Noble Truths. I do not know
Pali, and am not an etymologist or linguist. But since Pali is no
longer a living language, I am assuming that the English meanings that
we put onto Pali terms might have an accuracy that can be quite fluid.
Is anyone expert enough to have comments on the range and breadth of
possible meanings that "sammaditthi" might connote. For example, the
translation of "samma" into "right" feels like a dualistic term that
connotes good/evil, right/wrong, etc. that feels more like a Judeo-
Christian interpretation—a modern mapping onto an ancient word; is
this an appropriate interpretation? The translation of "ditthi"
into "understanding" or "view" seems to indicate a meaning of a
cognitive or intellectual knowledge—I am wondering if the Pali is
indicating this, or does it mean an experiential knowledge that is
beyond verbal concepts? Or does the Pali term indicate something else?

Many thanks for any info that is available.