Dear Ven. Kumara and Nina,
as I have mentioned in a previous post, My opinion is that this is an
implied meaning of the word 'dhamma'. That is to say, 'dhamma' is not
an adjective meaning nissattanijjiivata. However, in certain passages
where the word 'dhamma' refer to 'khandha', i.e., instead of 'khandha'
the word 'dhamma' is used in its place, we can understand 'dhamma' as
something of the characteristic 'nissattanijjiivata' (self.
"Tasmi.m khopana samaye dhammaa honti, khandhaa hontii"ti, the
dhamma(s) refer to the khandha(s).
In other words, when we talk about khandha, we talk about dhamma that
is soulless.
Yong Peng.