
Thank you so much, the verse is:
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought"

Thank you again,
Sabba Nazhand

"Kåre A. Lie" <alberlie@...> wrote:
At 08:11 10.08.2007 -0700, you wrote:
> You are a great help! I am learning more and more each day. I am
> going to be in an art show soon for a fund raiser, and I think Thai would
> be the closest resemblance for my translation. Any Ideas where I can get that?

I have the Bangkok edition of the Tipitaka in Pali, Thai script, and I can
easily scan a page and send it to you. Just to make sure (I have not read
every message in this thread ... sorry!), it is the first verse of the
Dhammapada? Right?


Kåre A. Lie

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