Dear Nina,

I'm sorry, I never read that book, but I've read some of the other
translations of the Pali Canon. But it's very interesting you have
connextions with Asoka. Do you think it's possible for me to have an
emailconversasion with any of the translators from Asoka. Or do you
want that? Because I'm not very skilled in translating in general and I
also don't have much knowledge on Pali. I just started with the
elementary Pali course and in the same time I'm translating it into
Dutch, but honestly I'm really not the right person to do this. Anyway,
someone has to make a start. Also my knowledge on translating in
general is lacking because I just finished my VWO and will continue
with Psychology. So I hope I can be connected for just some time to
learn from someone's expertise.

With Metta,
--- In, Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:
> Dear Django,
> That is interesting, I am Dutch.
> Perhaps this can be useful: the Dutch translation of Abhidhamma in
> Daily Life, by Marjo Oosterhof and also checked by me. I used
> existing translations of the suttas but checked the Pali and changed
> them where necessary. Available at
> Nina.
> Op 22-jul-2007, om 22:07 heeft djangovaal het volgende geschreven:
> > I'm translating suttas to Dutch for my website.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]