From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 11463
Date: 2007-07-15
--- In, Nina van Gorkom wrote:
An interesting tappurisa compound with a genetive relation (Warder Ch
13): ciivarapi.n.dapaatasenaasanagilaanapaccayabhesajjaparikkhaara.
parikkhaara: necessities, requisites( for the monk), namely,
robes, almsfood, lodging and medicines against sickness.
Thus, instead of 'and daily requisites', I suggest: the requisites of
robes.... to make it one compound, a tappurisa with a genetive.
As to the renunciation of all attachment: upadhi is difficult to
translate, sometimes as substratum, basis or attachment to rebirth.
The Co mentions for sabbuupadhipa.tinissaggattha.m padhaana.m:
sabbuupadhipa.tinissaggaaya padhaana.m.
effort for the relinquishment of all substrates. But the sutta text
has attha.m, for the sake of...
The Co. explains: upadhi of khandhas, upadhi of kilesas and upadhi of
N: To relinguish the khandhas, and this is at the death of an arahat
who has no more arising of the khandhas in rebirth. To relinguish
defilements, and this means the end of rebirth. To relinguish
abhisankhaara: the second link of the Dependent Origination,
conditioned by avijjaa: thus, the performance of kusala kamma,
akusala kamma and imperturbable kamma (aruupa jhaana). The arahat
does not perform such kamma and thus there are no condiitons for
For the translation of sabbupadhi here perhaps: the renunciation of
all conditions for rebirth.
> Etadagga.m, bhikkhave, imesa.m dvinna.m padhaanaana.m yadida.m
> sabbuupadhipa.tinissaggattha.m padhaana.m.
> "This is better, monks, of these two efforts: namely the effort
> towards the renunciation of all attachment.
N: agga: topmost, foremost. This is the foremost, monks....