Dear Nina
What object does wrong view take and what object does conceit take.
Thanks johnny
Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:
Dear Piya,
Desire for self advertisement. This is an expression concerning the
citta. The word self in self advertisement is not to be seen as wrong
view of self. The lobhamuulacitta citta with conceit is always
without wrong view, di.t.thigata vippayutta. Wrong vew and conceit
have different objects, they never go toigether.
Citta is translated here as heart, we can think of the Thai
expression cai.

Op 30-jun-2007, om 10:09 heeft Piya Tan het volgende geschreven:

> The Dhammasangani Atthakatha on the conceit (maana), in explaining
> KETU,KAMYATAA CITTASSA say that it is:
> "saa pana cittassa na attano"
> which Pe Maung Tin (ed CAF Rhys Davids) translates as "And that is of
> the heart, not of a real self."
> The translation is on page 479 of DhsA.
> Often in the Suttas and Buddhism in generally, the Buddhist usage of
> "atta" would have the same meaning as "citta",
> or used in a self-reflexive sense, but here it is rather enigmatic.

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