From: P G Dave
Message: 11419
Date: 2007-06-30
On 6/30/07, Sumana <paulocuana@...> wrote:
> Can someone help with this? Ajahn Thaniya made a
> reference to a certain sutta in the current issue of
> "Inquiring Mind":
> "There's a fascinating sutta about two great friends
> who are "once-returners". One lives a household life,
> rides around in a carriage, has a wife. The other is
> celi-
> bate and lives quite an austere life. When the
> daughter
> of the celibate disciple challenges the Buddha about
> whether her father's friend who is married and lives
> the life of householder can truly be as far along the
> path as her renunciate father, the Buddha really tells
> her off. What I take from this is that one can't
> simply
> look at somebody's lifestyle to determine their level
> of
> cultivation."
> It does sound fascinating to me.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Best Wishes,
> Paul Cooney
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