Dear friends,

the recent discussion on suicide provides us a very important lesson
on what makes a good discussion and what does not.

Before continuing, I have to clearly state that I am not directing
this against Piya or anyone in particular. Piya's efforts and
contributions to the group is worthy of compliments.

And I also like to say that I would rather spend my time on something
more productive or more enjoyable than typing this message. So, I will
keep it real short.

For a meaningful discussion to exist, there has to be a discussion. It
is fine to refer to articles/materials elsewhere, but repeatedly
referring to a single article without any other inputs is bad.

This mailing list is one of the few successful ones with a Buddhist
theme and active participation. Very often, we have seen people
stirring up either out of envy, jealousy, ignorance or arrogance. Its
future success to remain as a useful online resource for Pali study
will depend on your support for open and honest discussions. Thank you.

Yong Peng.

--- In, Ong Yong Peng wrote:

I would like to express my personal views, in addition to what I have
replied to Thomas Law earlier.