metta sahagata

From: claus10mander
Message: 11161
Date: 2007-03-20

Dear all,

Kindly permit me some questions on some texts about metta that I am
reading but having difficulties to clarify everthing. Although these
are from different texts I send it all in one mail.
Any help is deeply appreciated!

1. from Mettaabhaavanaasutta.m, Itivuttaka, Ekakanipaato, Tatiyavaggo
Throughout the text I find the following :
Mettaayeva taani cetovimutti adhiggahetvaa bhaasate ca tapate ca
virocati ca.
where bhaasate as well as tapate are medium but virocati isn`t. So
my question is why is this so?
The text goes:
Vuttañheta.m bhagavataa, vuttamarahataati me suta.m– "Yaani
kaanici, bhikkhave, opadhikaani puññakiriyavatthuuni sabbaani
taani mettaaya cetovimuttiyaa kala.m naagghanti so.lasi.m.
Mettaayeva taani cetovimutti adhiggahetvaa bhaasate ca tapate ca
virocati ca.

I read it as:
This has been said by the Blessed One, it has been said by an
Arahant, it has been heard by me:
"Whatever causes based on meditorious actions there are that form a
substratum for rebirth they do not equal one-sixteenth of the
liberation of mind through the practise of Metta. Metta surpasses
them, it shines forth, blazes and is brilliant.

2. There are lovely verses to inspire to come out of ones ill will
before practising metta in the Visuddhimaggo, Brahmavihaaraniddeso,
Mettaabhaavanaakathaa that start:

Attano visaye dukkha.m, kata.m te yadi verinaa;
ki.m tassaavisaye dukkha.m, sacitte kattumicchasi.

But I don`t get clear whether the visaye is related to the enemy or
oneself in both the lines. I try to make it detailed:
Attano(gen,dat – to self)
visaye (loc- in the sphere)
dukkha.m(acc- pain)
kata.m(pp.acc. – done)
te (dat. -to you)
yadi (indel. -If)
verinaa (abl. – by the enemy)
ki.m (what)
tassaavisaye (tassaa - gen. of his / visaye, loc- in the sphere)
dukkha.m.m(acc- pain)
sacitte (loc.- in the own mind)
kattumicchasi (kattum inf – to do /icchasi – you wish)

I understand it as:
If with what is in your field, the enemy has given pain to you,
Why do you yourself wish to suffer in your mind – that is his domain?

And the commentary explains it :
Ya.m verii dukkhaapetu.m sakkoti, so tassa vasena "attano visaye"ti
vutto bhikkhuno kaayo –
Which I read:
What the enemy is able to cause pain, on account of that is
called: 'in your field' is the body of the bhikkhu.
Do I read all these correct or is there some mistake?

Further down in the same text we read:
……"Aha.m sukhito homii"ti bhaavayato pana yathaa aha.m
sukhakaamo dukkhapaµikkuulo jiivitukaamo amaritukaamo ca, eva.m
aññepi sattaati attaana.m sakkhi.m katvaa aññasattesu
hitasukhakaamataa uppajjati.

Where I have difficulties to understand the sandhi to TU (it must
be?) from jiivita + kaamo down to jiivitukaamo as well as in amara +
kaamo along to amaritukaamo

I make it:
……But if he developes in this way: `may I be happy' having seen with
his own eyes that: "like I desire to be happy, loathe misery, want to
live and do not want to die, the same must be for other beings" and
thus a desire for wellbeing and happiness for others arises in him.

Thank you so much for any help!

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