I looked at this AN2.1.1 Vajja Sutta (1/1) page and it all looked a
bit daunting for a beginner.

Is there something easier that still has involvement and discussion?

Or should something be arranged?

I am interested by paali pronounciation and accent in vedic sanskrit.
It seems to me that paali is linked to vedic in some ways that
sanskrit lost or "smoothed out".

The image one gets of sanskrit is that is is the oldest (at least
indian) language. But that is not the same as the vedic. Perhaps
sanskrit was one modified form of the language for religious purposes
which needed to be handed down exactly? Paali then seems to have used
some of this sanskrit and changed itself.

Is this anything close to what happened? Help me to understand the
place of paali more. I hope to learn sanskrit, ardhamagadhi,
gandhaari, and avestan in the next number of years.

Partly out of my love of languages and communication, and partly out
of a desire to study textual criticism and linked techniques like
linguistics for an in depth study of the suttas.

May seem ambitions and that is exactly what it is.
thankyou for the help so far and for the support in the future.