Dear Nina,

thanks for your second reply:

The description of the tortures proved useful in understanding them. I
now consider most of the terms in the sutta for the forms of torture
as Bahubbiihi compounds, and refer them as "names". I have redone the
vocab list as follows:

* bila`ngathaalikaa (name) 'gruel pot' torture.
- bila`nga (m) vinegar.
- thaalikaa (f) = thaalaka (n) small bowl, beaker.
* sa`nkhamu.n.dika (name) 'shell tonsure' torture.
- sa`nkha (m) shell, conch.
- mu.n.da (adj) bare.
* raahumukha (name) 'mouth of Rahu' torture.
- raahu (name) Raahu.
- mukha (n) mouth.
* jotimaalika (name) 'fiery garland' torture.
- joti (m/n) fire.
- maalaa (f) garland.
* hatthapajjotika (name) 'torching hand' torture.
- hattha (m) hand.
- pajjota (m) torch.
* erakavattika (name) 'hay twist' torture [PTS].
- eraka (adj) driving away, moving.
- vatta (n) mouth.
* ciirakavaasika (name) 'bark dress' torture [PTS].
- ciiraka (m) bark.
- vaasa (m) clothing.
* e.neyyaka (name) 'antelope' torture [PTS].
* ba.lisama.msika (name) 'flesh hooking' torture [PTS].
- ba.lisa (n) fish-hook.
- ma.msa (n) flesh, meat.
* kahaapa.nika (name) 'disc-slice' torture [PTS].
- (m) square copper coin.
* khaaraapatacchika (name) 'pickling process' torture [PTS].
- khaara (m) alkaline substance.
- apatacchika (m) a kind of torture.
* palighaparivattika (name) 'circling the pin' torture [PTS].
- paligha (m) crossbar.
- parivatta (adj) twisting, turning.
* palaalapii.thaka (name) 'straw mattress' torture [PTS].
- palaala (m/n) straw.
- pii.thaka (m) chair, stool.

This is an impressive list of tortures practised in Indian society, as
witnessed by the Buddha. Although the techniques used are considered
primitive when compared to those used by the "later civilisations",
torture in any form is outlawed under the UN Convention Against Torture.


Thanks for uttaasenta (ppr of uttaaseti) impaling. Therefore,

jiivanta.m suule uttaasente
living / on stake / impaling
impaling the living (man) on the stake

Lastly, the use of 'Onderwerp:', which means 'Subject:' in Dutch, will
be regarded by Yahoo! as a new topic, and group the mail separately.

Yong Peng.