> Bhante Pesala,
Sadhu again for the prompt and excellent US keyboard: I can work much better
with it!
Some comments (hopefully helpful):
(1) I cannot find command for *Sanskrit palatal s* (accented s).
(2) I'm so used to using CTRL dot for "m with superior dot". Any chance you
could change "\ f" (harder to connect) than *"\ ."* (keys closer together &
easier to remember). Hopefully there is no technical problem here.
(3) On my keyboard, I have to do this (minor comment):
SHFT ~ n = small ~n
SHFT ~ N = cap ~ N
In other words, it is not a dead key (but no problem here).
(4) In my computer (Windows XP v2.2): this is the way I install the Pali
Control Panel > Regional & Language Options > Languages > Details > "Add"
Then, I need to restart.
Thanks again & namakkara.m
Piya Tan
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