Bhante Pesala,
Sadhu to your efforts with the Pali keyboard: just what I need, since I have
to key into the macros again every time I reformat my computer.
however I am using a US keyboard (most people in Asia do I think, at least
in Singappore). The characters with tilde and inferior dot do not work at
A few comments:
(1) I always use m or M with superior dot (above the character rather than
below), as this keeps to the other nasal character (.n and .N). So please
add m/M with superior dot.
(2) How to get Pali capitals.
(3) Please do a US keyboards: I'm sure many be grateful for it.
Thanks again & namakkara.m
Piya Tan
On 1/15/07, Bhikkhu Pesala <pesala@...> wrote:
> Keyboards for typing Unicode Pali in any Unicode aware program such as
> WordPad, Open Office, or Page Plus
> Comment on my Guest Book if you have any problems using them or ideas on
> how to improve them.
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