Dear Piya and all friends

Thanks for your kind responses and apteciation,
Alas, my utter anateurism has been exposed...

--- In, "Piya Tan" <dharmafarer@...> wrote:
> Bhante Jothiko,
> Sadhu & thank you for you compassionate and balanced review, which
> fine-tune the little that I have known.
> My only comment is some of the Pali spellings, and I say this
because I feel
> that remarks by practitioners would be more highly valued with
proper Pali.
> So with due respect I am making a list of Pali words that I
suggest be spelt
> correctly (and also to remind myself of same), as follows.
> > 1- The most basic sitting meditation attitude `Parimukkham Satim
> > Utthapetva'
> should be "Parimukha.m sati.m upa.t.thapetvaa".
> > Than meant by `Parimukkham' ='all around'.
> should be "Parimukha.m"
> > 2 - Idddhii is of `UttaraManussa Dhamma' `extra ordinary human
> > achievements',
> should be "iddhi" and "uttari,manussa dhamma"
> > The lesser one of which is the first state of
> > meditation `PatthamaJhana'
> should be "pa.thamajjhaana" or "pa.thama jhaana"
> > Tells us about his practices in `UpaKilesaSutta – M.N.
> should be "Upakkilesa Sutta"
> .
> > Either as the `four divine abidings' `BrahmaVinaraa' – regard
> > all directions
> should be "brahmavihaara"
> > Or the development is of a Kasina, `A Totality'.
> should be ""
> > 4 - Sanna nimitakarana – the producer of signs- the meditation
> > object is fully attended to.
> should be "sa~n~naa"
> > 5 – Above all, it indicates Uppekkha –
> should be "upekkhaa"
> > `IddhiPadaa' – are a way to Nibbana.
> should be "iddhipaada".
> Please continue to help us with your clarifications as you see
fit, despite
> my pedantry. If each of us do our best, we can help a lot of
others, too.
> Khamatu me bhante,
> Piya Tan
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]