The abbreviations mean as follows
S = Samyutta Nikaya (translated "The Connected Sayings" by Bhikkhu Bodhi)
XLVIII = ch 48 of same
10 = Sutta no 19
This is a discourse on the Five Faculties. The PTS ed reference is
S 5:197-199. (vol 5 pages 197-199).
I'm surprised that awkward roman numerals are still being used when arabic
numbers are much more easy to use. You may also find Thanissaro's
translation needs getting used to as he tries to be technically correct, and
sometimes it can be difficult to know what he is trying to convey. For
example, he translates as the "unbinding". Anyway, I find him all
right as I am quite familiar with the Pali texts.
I suppose there are at least two kinds of translations: those meant for the
translators, and those meant for the reader.
Under EPILEGOMENA in the Dharmafarer Website ( you will find much of what you may want
to know about "Textual Conventions." Then again do not feel discouraged by
the technicalities: simply absorb what you need to, and let the rest come
when they will.
Happy New Year.
Piya Tan
On 12/26/06, keren_arbel <keren_arbel@...> wrote:
> I am reading Thanissaro Bhikkhu book "the wings of awakening" and I
> don't know how to find his references in the PTS. What will be
> S.XLVIII.10? (p.141). How can I find his references in the Pali CD?
> Thanks,
> Happy New Year,
> Keren.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]