From: Ole Holten Pind Message: 10826 Date: 2006-10-10
Dear Lennart,
Thank you for being willing to lend a hand! I appreciate that very much. The
planned net version of the CPD, the iCPD, is going to be an open source Pali
dictionary. I expect that everything published so far will be available on
the University of Copenhagen's server around the beginning of March 2007.
Ole Pind
Fra: [] På vegne af Lennart
Sendt: 8. oktober 2006 11:15
Emne: AW: SV: [Pali] frequency sorted Pali word list
Dear Ole,
Thank you for your positive feedback! First of all its quite sad to hear
that the CPD is "officially" going to be discontinued but then - progress
was very slow during the recent years, wasn't it? At least i did not hear
much about it. Secondly: it would be a great honor for me if i could lend
you a hand and make any helpful contribution. We can discuss any details
about extraction of words from the Patimokkha if you like (please reply to
palireader [at] gmail [dot] com for off - newsgroup discussion) . I think it
wont be such a difficult task because - due to the development of the Pali
Text Reader - we already developed some pali specialized corpus handling
tools (i.e. our pali-alphabetical sorting algorithm etc.)
Some questions for a starter:
1.) which editions you are going to use (it might be necessary to make an
automated diff-list to see, which words differ in those editions of the
Patimokkha) - VRI, Thai and Sinhalese editions are all electronically
available, so they could be used
2.) Extraction of unique terms is no problem. I could also generate a
reverse sorted list, so its easier to edit them according to "grammatical
Finally, i have a question regarding the licensing of the CPD. Is it or will
it be "open source". I am asking, because till now, we use the Buddhadatta's
dictionary for instance in the Pali Text Reader because the PED is still
"closed for redistribution" due to copyright issues. Does the same apply to
the CPD? Or wont it be a problem to use the CPD later on in open source
----- Ursprüngliche Mail ----
Von: Ole Holten Pind <oleholtenpind@ <>>
An: Pali@... <> com
Gesendet: Freitag, den 6. Oktober 2006, 12:56:50 Uhr
Betreff: SV: [Pali] frequency sorted Pali word list
Many thanks Lennart. I am planning to continue the Critical Pali Dictionary,
Copenhagen 1924-, which, unfortunately, is to be discontinued. At the
moment I am involved in making the CPD available on the server of the
University of Copenhagen and turning the project into a netbased dictionary.
This will take some time, but it should be available in the near future. My
plan is continue the CPD covering the complete vocabulary of one canonical
text at the time. In this way one gets around the problem of not covering
the complete vocabulary of the canon before the last volume has been
published in the remote future. My first choise is the vocabulary of the
Patimokkha. Would it be possible for you to extract the total vocabulary of
this important text ? That would be an important contribution to Pali
lexicography. It could be published as an overview of the vocabulary, and
serve as an introduction to the subsequent lexicographical treatment.
Ole Pind
Fra: Pali@... com [mailto:Pali@... com] På vegne af
Sendt: 6. oktober 2006 01:38
Til: Pali@... com
Emne: [Pali] frequency sorted Pali word list
Dear friends in Dhamma,
Just uploaded a zip file containing a comprehensive Pali word list
sorted by frequency. Anyone interested, feel free to download and use
for whatever purpose:
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