The Vibh-a 119 gloss interprets ariyasaavako as the disciple of an ariya viz. the (or a) Buddha. buddhassa is apposition to ariyassa. It is possible that the commentaries and subcommentaries describe a kalyaanaputhujjana as sekha. But this would reflect a considerably later view. It is definitely not canonical. The question is interesting though, and worth while investigating.
By the way, the cursor is running amok!
Ole Pind


Fra: [] På vegne af Khemaramsi
Sendt: 16. september 2006 17:48
Emne: Re: SV: [Pali] Ariyasaavaka ?

Dear Dr. Pind and Nina

Thanks for your reply. I think you're right, the passage from Anguttaranikaaya commentary is not the one I am looking for suggesting that ariyasaavaka sometimes could denote kalyaan.aputhujjana also.

What do you think of the following passage?

Vibha-a 119:
Ariyasaavakoti ariyassa buddhassa saavako.

Here Ariyasaavaka just denotes Buddha's disciple, including ariya and puthujjana.

I remember taht there is a commentarial passage saying that 'sekha' sometimes could denote kalyaan.aputhujjana. Is that right? If this being the case, perhaps ariyasaavaka might denote kalyaan.aputhujjana too.

with metta


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