Dear Nina and friends,

we have arrived at the last vagga of the first Nikaya. And here it

20. amatavaggo

600. "amata.m te, bhikkhave, na paribhu~njanti ye kaayagataasati.m na
paribhu~njanti. amata.m te, bhikkhave, paribhu~njanti ye
kaayagataasati.m paribhu~njantii"ti.

601. "amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, aparibhutta.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
aparibhuttaa. amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, paribhutta.m yesa.m
kaayagataasati paribhuttaa"ti.

602. "amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, parihiina.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
parihiinaa. amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, aparihiina.m yesa.m
kaayagataasati aparihiinaa"ti.

603. "amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, viraddha.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
viraddhaa. amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, aaraddha.m yesa.m
kaayagataasati aaraddhaa"ti.

604. "amata.m te, bhikkhave, pamaadi.msu ye kaayagataasati.m
pamaadi.msu. amata.m te, bhikkhave, na pamaadi.msu ye
kaayagataasati.m na pamaadi.msu".

605. "amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, pamu.t.tha.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
pamu.t.thaa. amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, appamu.t.tha.m yesa.m
kaayagataasati appamu.t.thaa"ti.


A`nguttaranikaaya: Ekakanipaata

20. Amatavaggo
Chapter on Deathlessness

1. "Amata.m te, bhikkhave, na paribhu~njanti ye kaayagataasati.m na
deathlessness / they / monks / not / appreciate / who / mindfulness
of body / not / appreciate
"O monks, those who do not appreciate mindfulness of the body do not
appreciate deathlessness.

* amata (n) lit. deathlessness, synonymous to nibbana.
* te (m, rel pron, plur) they.
* bhikkhu (m) monk.
* na (neg) not.
* paribhu~njati (v) uses, enjoys.
* ye (m, rel pron, plur) who.
* kaayagataasati (f) mindfulness of the body.
- kaayagata (adj) relating to the body.
-- kaaya (m) body.
- sati (f) mindfulness.

Amata.m te, bhikkhave, paribhu~njanti ye kaayagataasati.m
deathlessness / they / monks / appreciate / who / mindfulness of
body / appreciate
Monks, those who appreciate mindfulness of the body appreciate


2. "Amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, aparibhutta.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
deathlessness / to them / monks / not gained / to whom / mindfulness
of body / not practised
"O monks, to whom the mindfulness of the body (is) not practised, to
them deathlessness (is) not gained.

* aparibhutta = na paribhutta.
- paribhutta (pp of paribhu~njati) used, employed, made use of.

Amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, paribhutta.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
deathlessness / to them / monks / gained / to whom / mindfulness of
body / practised
To whom the mindfulness of the body (is) practised, monks, to them
deathlessness (is) gained."


3. "Amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, parihiina.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
deathlessness / to them / monks / discouraged / to whom / mindfulness
of body / discouraged
"O monks, to whom the mindfulness of the body (is) discouraged, to
them deathlessness (is) discouraged.

* parihiina (pp of parihaayati) dejected, discouraged.

Amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, aparihiina.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
deathlessness / to them / monks / not discouraged / to whom /
mindfulness of body / not discouraged
To whom the mindfulness of the body (is) pursued, monks, to them
deathlessness (is) pursued."


4. "Amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, viraddha.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
deathlessness / to them / monks / neglected / to whom / mindfulness
of body / neglected
"O monks, to whom the mindfulness of the body (is) neglected, to them
deathlessness (is) neglected.

* viraddha (pp of virajjhati) failed, missed, neglected.

Amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, aaraddha.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
deathlessness / to them / monks / achieved / to whom / mindfulness of
body / achieved
To whom the mindfulness of the body (is) achieved, monks, to them
deathlessness (is) achieved."

* aaraddha (adj) resolved, achieved.


5. "Amata.m te, bhikkhave, pamaadi.msu ye kaayagataasati.m
deathlessness / they / monks / neglected / who / mindfulness of
body / neglected
"O monks, thoe who neglected the mindfulness of the body neglected

* pamajjati (v) neglects.

Amata.m te, bhikkhave, na pamaadi.msu ye kaayagataasati.m na
deathlessness / they / monks / not / neglected / who / mindfulness of
body / not / neglected
Monks, those who did not neglect the mindfulness of the body did not
neglect deathlessness."


6. "Amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, pamu.t.tha.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
deathlessness / to them / monks / is forgotten / to whom /
mindfulness of body / is forgotten
"O monks, to whom the mindfulness of the body is forgotten, to them
deathlessness is forgotten.

* pamu.t.tha (pp of pamussati) being or having forgotten.

Amata.m tesa.m, bhikkhave, appamu.t.tha.m yesa.m kaayagataasati
deathlessness / to them / monks / is not forgotten / to who /
mindfulness of body / is not forgotten
To whom the mindfulness of the body is not forgotten, monks, to them
deathlessness is not forgotten."

Please correct me if there is any mistake.

Yong Peng.