From: dhammadhiro
Message: 10718
Date: 2006-08-29
--- In, "Ong Yong Peng" <pali.smith@...> wrote:
> Dear Gunnar,
> the reason is either because the terminal you are using does not has
> any Unicode fonts installed or, for older browsers, you may have
> change its encoding scheme to UTF8 (which still require an Unicode
> font for proper rendering).
> For a terminal running Windows 2000/XP, it will have no problem at
> all displaying Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai characters without
> Unicode fonts (using older schemes). So, it is still common to find
> many public terminals not having Unicode fonts installed. This is
> true in many Internet cafes here in Brisbane as well.
> metta,
> Yong Peng.
> --- In, Gunnar G䬬mo wrote:
> I've tested it at a public terminal in the public library in Visby
> (having just some free hours in my own island - attadiipa? - between
> the annual meeting of the Gotlandic Language Society/Gutam嬳gillet
> and the ship back to the mainland).
> Unfortunately, all letters with subpoints (.t .d .n .m .l) appear as
> empty squares; the long letters aa ii uu appear as they should,
> though.