aha.m asmi & aha.m homi

From: Paul
Message: 10646
Date: 2006-08-05

Greetings, tumhe.

What is the difference(s) between "aha.m asmi" and "aha.m homi"? They
*are* different, so it hardly follows that both mean "I am" or that they
are freely interchangeable. And is there any correspondence with to the
differences b/t, for example, "ser" and "estar" in Spanish or "sein" and
"werden" in German?

Take "estar": It's used in the sense of location (Yo estoy aqui...I am
here), to describe health and temporary feelings, in the present
progressive (I am typing), and in a few other ways. "Ser", on the other
hand, is used to identify people (Un Tathagata es un maestro...A
Tathhagata is a teacher), to express what an object is made of, to tell
time, to form genaralizations (Es importante estudiar el Dhamma...It's
important to study the Dhamma), and in a few other ways.



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