AN1.19.1-38 Kaayagataasati Vagga (1/3), part 2.

From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 10624
Date: 2006-07-31

[Pali] AN1.19.1-38 Kaayagataasati Vagga (1/3)
Part 2.


Y.P.: ekadhamma = eka dhamma (n) one thing.

N: another option: one dhamma.


Y.P. sa.mvega (m) religious emotion.


N: or: sense of urgency. One sees what is really important in life.
Emotion alone may not be clear, then religious emotion is better.

Y.P.: yogakkhema (m) release from attachments.


N: PED gives: uttermost safety, also epithet of nibbaana. This refers
to the arahat.


2-8. "Ekadhammo, bhikkhave, bhaavito bahuliikato mahato sa.mvegaaya
sa.mvattati... mahato atthaaya sa.mvattati... mahato yogakkhemaaya
sa.mvattati... satisampaja~n~naaya sa.mvattati...
~naa.nadassanappa.tilaabhaaya sa.mvattati...
di.t.thadhammasukhavihaaraaya sa.mvattati...
vijjaavimuttiphalasacchikiriyaaya sa.mvattati.
one thing / monks / developed / practised / to great / to religious
emotion / leads to / to great / to advantage / leads to / to great /
to release from attachments / leads to / to mindfulness and wisdom /
leads to / to attainment of perfect knowledge / leads to / to living
at ease in this world / leads to / to realisation of the fruit of
emancipation through wisdom / leads to
"One thing, O monks, (when) developed and practised leads to great
emotion, to great benefit, to great release from attachments, to
mindfulness and wisdom, to the attainment of perfect knowledge, to
living at ease in this world, to the realisation of the fruit of
emancipation through wisdom.

Y.P.:Katamo ekadhammo?
which / one thing
Which one thing?

N: What is that one dhamma?


9. "Ekadhamme, bhikkhave, bhaavite bahuliikate kaayopi passambhati,
cittampi passambhati, vitakkavicaaraapi vuupasammanti, kevalaapi
vijjaabhaagiyaa dhammaa bhaavanaapaaripuuri.m gacchanti.
in one thing / monks / in developed / in practised / body-even /
calms down / mind-even / calms down / reflection and deliberation /
are tranquilised / whole-even / conducive to wisdom / qualities /
completion of mental development / go
"Within one thing, O monks, (when) developed and practised, even the
body calms down, even the mind calms down, even the flow of thoughts
is tranquilised, even full qualities conducive to wisdom advance
(to) completion of (mental) development.

N: Ekadhamme, bhikkhave, bhaavite... this is a locative absolute, :
when one dhamma is developed...(Warder Lesson 16, p. 103).

kaya does not only mean the physical body, but also the mental body,
namely, the three nama khandhas, apart from vi~n~naa.nakkhandha. The
Commentaries explain this as naama kaaya.

as to the the flow of thoughts, these are the jhaanafactors vitakka,
applied thought, and vicaara, sustained thought. PED has here:
discursive thought.

These factors are abandoned in the second jhaana.



even full qualities conducive to wisdom advance
(to) completion of (mental) development.


N: even all dhammas that take part in wisdom reach completion of

Y.P.:Katamasmi.m ekadhamme?
in which / in one thing
Within which (one) thing?

N: I would translate more freely: what is that one dhamma?

The locative refers again to the locative absolute: when one dhamma
is cultivated. So also the following locative Kaayagataaya satiyaa.

Y.P.:Kaayagataaya satiyaa.
in relating to the body / in mindfulness
Within the mindfulness of the body.

N: I would omit within, since it sounds strange in the translation.

Also in the following passages, the locative is locative absolute: cultivated.

kevalaa: only, whole, complete, but here PTS has: all, which sounds

10. "Ekadhamme, bhikkhave, bhaavite bahuliikate anuppannaa ceva
akusalaa dhammaa nuppajjanti, uppannaa ca akusalaa dhammaa
in one thing / monks / in developed / in practised / unarisen / and-
so / unwholesome / states / do not arise / arisen / and /
unwholesome / states / fade
"Within one thing, O monks, (when) developed and practised, so,
unarisen unwholesome states do not arise, and arisen unwholesome
states fade out.

N: pahiiyanti: are abandoned. This is passive.


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