Dear all,

I will be soon heading for Yangon in Myanmar (Burma) where I am
planning to stay for one year. Among other things, I would like to
take the opportunity to deepen my study of Pali. I have already
established a few contacts at the International Buddhist University,
and I have met the Pali teacher there who is willing to help me with
my studies. I wonder if any members of this group also live in Yangon.
If so, it would be really great if you could contact me by email.

Last time I was in Myanmar it was rather difficult if not impossible
to access Yahoo Mail and I am afraid I might face the same problem
with Yahoo Groups. I will have to find a simple way - I am sure Yong
Peng could help me with that - to continue posting the solutions to
the exercises and be able to read the other members' posts.

With metta,
