Dear Stephen,

Sorry for the late reply. I have not been reading the posts
for some time.

>> I am surprised that no one has yet mentioned the Sandaka Sutta
>> (MN 76). This would surely be the obvious starting point for
>> any discussion of sabba~n~nutaa in Pali Buddhism.

Stephen Hodge:
> I am not sure how this gives much help with the question of
> a Buddha's "omniscience".

I'm inclined to agree, it really doesn't help at all. The reason
I called it "the obvious starting point for a discussion" is not
because it helps but because in my experience most discussions on
this topic DO in fact start by somebody citing the Sandaka Sutta
as negative evidence against the omniscience claims made in the
Pa.tisambhidaamagga, Milindapa~nhaa and Commentaries. Of course
they have to interpret the sutta in their own way rather than the
Pali commentaries' way in order to claim that it supports their
position. As a result, much of the discussion of sabba~n~nutaa
comes down in the end to a wrangle about just how the Sandaka
Sutta should be read. In the traditional reading it is assumed
that the Buddha is ridiculing only the omniscience claims of
titthiya teachers; but certain modern scholars (Jayatilleke and
Kalupahana come to mind) read the sutta as ridiculing the very
idea of omniscience.

Best wishes,