1.Rattaa gaaviyo khette aahi.ndantiyo bahu.m ti.na.m khaadi.msu.
red / cows / [in] field / wandering / much / grass / ate
The red cows wandering in the field ate a lot of grass.

2.Uccaa kumaarii niila.m vattha.m paridahitvaa mahanta.m nagara.m
tall / girls / blue / cloth / having worn / large / city / will go
Having worn a blue cloth, the tall girls will go to the city.

3.Bahavo manussaa diighaahi rajjuuhi setaa dhenuyo bandhitvaa
gambhiira.m nadi.m hari.msu.
many / people / long / [with] ropes / white / cows / having bound /
deep / river / carried
Having bound the white cows with long ropes, many people carried them
to the deep river.

4.Amhaaka.m bahuuna.m bandhavaana.m puttaa dubbalaa honti.
our / [of] many / [of] relations / sons / feeble / are
The sons of our many relations are feeble.

5.Pa.n.ditassa purisassa saa baalaa bhaginii pakkaani phalaani
ocinitvaa appakaana.m daarakaana.m adaasi.
[of] wise / [of] man / she / foolish / sister / ripe / fruits / having
collected / few / boys / gave
Having collected ripe fruits, the foolish sister of the wise man gave
them to a few boys.

6.Tassaa mahallikaaya itthiyaa daharo nattaa uttaane jale nahaayati.
[of] that / old / [of] woman / young / grandson /[in] shallow / [in]
water / takes a bath
The young grandson of that old woman takes a bath in shallow water.

7.Tasmi.m ucce rukkhe .thito vaanaro imasmi.m niice tarumhi nisinne
pakkhino oloketi.
[in] that / high / [in] tree / stood / monkey / [in] this / low / [in]
tree / seated / birds / looks at
The monkey that stood in that high tree looks at the birds seated in
this low tree.

8.Maalinii naarii rassena maggena khuddaka.m gaama.n gacchi.
wearing a garland / woman / short / [through] path / small / [to]
village / went
The woman wearing a garland went to the small village through a short