Dear Florent,

thanks. The word se.t.thii is correct, it can also be se.t.thi (short
i). Se.t.thii or se.t.thi means a very wealthy person. In ancient
times, people do not have to report their wealth or declare their
income, so notions like millionaire, billionaire (and trillionaire)
did not exist, since it is impossible to determine individuals' wealth
without a tax department.

For #9, to use "that day" adverbially in Pali, it should take the
accusative case "eta.m divasa.m". Hence: Eta.m divasa.m girimhi
ti.t.thanto, aha.m guhaaya.m sayanti.m siihi.m passi.m. What do you think?

Yong Peng.

--- In, flrobert2000 wrote:

9.Standing on the mountain that day, I saw a lioness sleeping in a cave.
ti.t.thanto / girimhi / eso / divaso / aha.m / passi.m / siihi.m /
sayanti.m / guhaaya.m
Eso divaso girimhi ti.t.thanto, aha.m guhaaya.m sayanti.m siihi.m passi.m.


14.Giving alms to the beggars the millionaire spent all his wealth.
dadanto / daana.m / yaacakaana.m / se.t.thii / vissajjesi / sabba.m /
tassa / dhana.m
Se.t.thii yaacakaana.m daana.m dadanto***se.t.thii?*** sabba.m tassa
dhana.m vissajjesi.

> 9. Standing on the mountain that day, I saw a lioness sleeping in
> a cave.
> ti.t.tha.m / girismi.m / tasmi.m / divasasmi.m / aha.m / passi.m /
> siihi.m / sayanti.m / guhaaya.m
> Tasmi.m divasasmi.m girismi.m ti.t.tha.m aha.m guhaaya.m sayanti.m
> siihi.m passi.m.