> According to the Pali Canon the Buddha was a
> Ksatriya,

That means he was born as one - but when he was born,
he wasn't yet a Buddha. He left the caste system when
becoming a samana, several years before becoming a

Please note also that "aryan race", as mentioned in
some earlier letters, is a concept coined in the West
in the 19th century, and hardly used after World War
II - sed <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_race>!
Nowadays scholars may talk about "aryan languages" (i.
e. Indo-European ones), but not about "aryan race".

The whole concept of "race", in the meaning "one of
the major divisions of mankind", is not very old
either; it was launched probably only in the late 18th
century (see

And today many natural scientists claim that, after
the dying out of Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis and of
the recently discovered Homo Floresiensis, we remaning
humans (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) are actually,
genetically speaking, of one and the same race; the
differences are too small to speak about different
