I am using the VRI cd rom and it appears that the majjhima nikaya,
mulapannasapali section has MN.1.55, the Mahasatipatthan Sutta instead
of the Satipatthana Sutta. Would anyone know anything on this? More
over, Boisvert, in his 'The Five Aggregates' says that the
term 'aamisaa' (worldly) is used in the vedananupassana section of the
Satipatthana Sutta, whereas in the vedananupassana section of the
Mahasatipatthana Sutta, the term used for worldly is [on the VRI cd
rom], 'saamisa'. As far as I had understood it, the two presentations
of vedananupassana were exactly the same. Would anyone have an idea
about this?
