Dear Hjor,
Sorry, too difficult. Rett answered khaadati. The word bhuñjati I would use
for a bhikkhu, more polite and dignified.
as to:suukara/varaaha - any difference between the pigs,
In the Co. to the Mahaaparinibbaanasutta, the Buddha's last meal,
suukaramaddava is used: pork stew, of a a pig. I know that different
interpretations are given.
Perhaps varaaha is not used of flesh of a pig.

op 01-04-2006 08:24 schreef hjor9 op hjor9@...:

> bhuñjati/khaadati - both mean "to eat". I got the impression that
> bhuñjati means having a meal, while khaadati refers to devouring (like
> predator eating prey). is this close?