Recently I found an old file with the first 64 pages of the /Guide
through the Abhidhamma/ by Nyanatiloka in the BPS computer file backups.
This is less than half the book, which is 172 pages. The typing had been
typed in the mid nineties and Bh. Bodhi did some minor editing on it. I
converted it to Word Office and made a nice file of it.
Is there any Abhidhamma student who would like to help to help
completing the digital input of this important work so that the BPS
could put it on the internet and possibly reprint it? The scanning could
be done here, but the OCR and/or the OCR spellchecker proofreading (on
Omnipage Scansoft or the like) and then the proofreading and formatting
of the Word file would need to be done elsewhere. Many BPS books are out
of print and I have no time to do this myself.