From: Jacques Huynen
Message: 10238
Date: 2006-03-21
> >__________________________________________________
> >
> >I read Speijer's Sanskrit Syntax 401, find that
> 'na'
> >sometimes could negative only single words, which
> are
> >usually put just after 'na', not the whole
> statement.
> >Does this apply to Pali too? How do we know when
> na
> >negatives single words and when the whole
> statement?
> >just by context?
> >I very much appreciate any comment.
> >
> Dear Tzung-Kuen and group,
> Interesting question. I mostly rely on context to
> determine the scope of negation, but there may very
> well be some patterns of word order that play a role
> as well.
> An interesting piece of the puzzle is that sometimes
> negating a single word and negating the whole
> statement amount to the same thing. I'm thinking of
> cases where the word 'na' negates the finite verb.
> By negating the main verbal action you effectively
> negate the sentence as a whole.
> I'll keep an eye peeled for interesting examples of
> negation. And maybe someone has a fuller answer to
> the question.
> best regards,
> /Rett