Dear Keren,

On 3/21/06, keren_arbel <keren_arbel@...> wrote:
> Thanks for your explanation, even though I'm not sure who would
> impersonate me from Bangalore... (I was there once, but I know no one,
> or an Internet cafe).

There are many reasons, some that I can think of:

1) A specific personal attack against you.
2) An attack on this specific Pali group and you were chosen maybe randomly.
3) Both, this group and you were chosen for some reason (mostly
thinking that most of the users on this list are not heavy into
computer security and technicalities) in order to spread a virus
(those files most certainly contain some virus).

The reason they spread these viruses are also multiple, but mainly to
take over your (and whoever opens those files) computer in order to
convert the computer into a "zombie" which in turn is used to attack
other computers.

> I also have a Mcafy virus scan and yesterday I
> did another scan with Spybot. So I hope it won't happen again.
> If you have any other suggestions, I would be happy to hear.

Do NOT trust e-mail, no matter what it says where or whom it comes
from, e-mail is very easy to fake.

Do NOT open pictures, word documents, screensavers, or "funny"
programs or postcards, unless you are 100% sure who sent them to you,
and even then, sometimes what it happens is that somebody you know
received this "funny" program and wants to share it with you, which
yes, it is funny but while displaying the funny thing, in the
background it is installing the program that will allow remote control
of your machine.

Keep up-to-date your antivirus and anti-spyware, try the programs at:

If possible, do not use MS Windows, or at least do not use MS Outlook
for E-mail.

Other than that, and because this seems to come from outside your
computer, take advantage of this and practice Metta, Karuna and
Upekkha. :-)
