Dear all,

I am now translating some sentences using the passive voice such as
EX26 sentence 12 (p86):

12.The rice cooked by the slave woman is eaten by her son and brothers.
odano / pakko / daasiyaa / bhuñjiiyati / tassaa / puttena / ca /
Daasiyaa pakko odano tassaa puttena bhaatarehi ca bhuñjiiyati.

Since pakko is a past participle I turned back a few pages and found a
very similar sentence in EX19 (p61) which I translated:

14.The rice given to them was eaten by the slaves and the beggars.
odano / dinno / tesaana.m / bhutta.m / daasehi / ca / yaacakehi
Tesaana.m dinno odano daasehi ca yaacakehi ca bhutto.

Obviously this sentence is also in the passive but at that time this
notion had not been introduced yet so I used the past participle
bhutta. Is this translation correct? Should the "was" be translated as

With metta,
