Dear all,

Buddhadatta mentions p83 that "(...) in the passive voice the subject
stands in the Ablative of Agent (...)."

In this case I don't understand the following constructions in ex26 p85:

3.Tva.m balinaa purisena aaka.d.dhiiyasi.
Should it not be purisaa, purisamhaa or purisasmaa?

6.Iminaa va.d.dhakinaa imasmi.m gaame bahuuni gehaani kariiyanti.
Should it not be imamhaa, imasmaa or asmaa?

20.Buddhena devaana.m manussaana.m ca dhammo bhaasiiyati.
Should it not be buddhasmaa, buddhamhaa or buddhaa?

Thank you for your help,
