Dear Ven. Ashin Pandita, Sis. Badra, and friends,

I have uploaded a brief prototype "getNoun2.html" to the group repository for Ven. to check his requirement. (

The Pali Content Sys. has a number of broken links and plenty of typo errors. Will correct those errors for next version. My job basically is to organize suitable study materials into an easily acessible form for offline usage, especailly in places where internet facilities may be expensive. I f you have or know materials that should be included, pleae kindly let me know. Recently I found a file, Pali_Cheat_Sheet.htm in another site ( ), created by Alan. It is a very good summary on declensions. I hope he would kindly give permission for it to be included.

Please provide feedback.



Ashin Pandita <ashinpan@...> wrote:
Pali Content Management. It is a
very useful tool for Pali students, having collected available
references into an accessible database.

However, What Bhadra and myself have envisioned is not so ambitious. It
is a text parsing tool to help students to learn Pali in the Burmese
way. In Burmese tradition, a Pali student should have the ability to
analyze any noun they encounter into the respective noun stem and
case-ending. Accordingly, I have to force students to learn declension
tables by heart, which is usually a miserable job for the teacher and

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